Prior to Your Surgery | The Day Before Your Surgery | The Day of Your Surgery Follow Up | Important Tips
Prior to Your Surgery  TOP
Depending on your age, general physical condition and the surgery you need, you may or may not need to have a pre-operative exam and tests. If you are scheduled for physical and tests, please wear comfortable shoes and clothing. The tests needed may include: A physical; blood and urine tests; an EKG, and a chest X-ray.

Before scheduling the surgery, your surgeon will discuss with you about the operation you will undergo. This discussion will include the side effects, risks and desired outcome of the surgery. You may consider writing down your questions and have them answered at this time. You should be prepared to talk about your health and the health of your family members. It is important to tell your surgeon about previous illnesses, surgeries, allergies and the possibility of pregnancy. Please be sure to tell your physician of all prescription and over-the-counter medicines, and any herbal supplements you take. Decision to have the surgery should be made in consultation with your surgeon, primary doctor and family members. Absolute confidentiality will be maintained throughout. Your primary doctor and surgeon will also ask for a list of the medications you take. Your doctor will tell you when and what over-the-counter or prescription drugs you should stop taking before surgery. Some medicines like aspirin can slow blood clotting.
The Day Before Your Surgery  TOP
Should you need a ride to the Surgery Center, please call us on the day before surgery, between 10am and 2pm at 219-791-0500. If your surgery is scheduled for a Monday, call on the Friday before. Inform your surgeon and the Surgery Center of any change in your medical condition, if you have a cold, cough or fever.

If you are going to have anesthesia care or sedation, arrange to have someone available to ride with you.

Unless otherwise instructed by your anesthesiologist or surgeon, it is important that you do not eat or drink anything, including water, after midnight. Take your regularly scheduled medications, with a sip of water unless instructed otherwise. Please bring the original bottles of your medications including over-the-counter medications with you to the Surgery Center. Please tell your anesthesiologist and surgeon about any and all medications and herbal supplements you are taking, including ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), aspirin, blood pressure, blood thinning medicines, inhalers and eye drops.
Follow Up  TOP
Our recovery staff will be contacting you the following day to see how you are feeling. If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to ask them. If you are having any problems prior to or after this call, please call your doctor directly.

Avoid fatty foods and eat lightly during your recovery. Make sure you follow your doctor's instructions on diet, medications, bathing and activity.

Home health services can be arranged for you when required, based upon instructions from your doctor.
Important Tips  TOP
Here are some important steps that you should take before your surgery to aid in your comfort and recovery:

Follow Diet Instructions
You may receive special diet instructions prior to surgery. If so, it is important to follow them carefully. Be sure to follow the anesthesiologist's advice regarding the specific time to stop eating or drinking prior to your surgery. Sometimes eating or drinking anything (water, candy, gum, etc.) may result in the need to cancel and reschedule your surgery.

Ask Your Doctor About Medicines
If you are currently taking aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) or naproxen sodium (Aleve), check with your doctor to determine when or if you should stop taking these medicines before surgery. These over-the-counter medicines can slow blood clotting.

Avoid Alcohol
You should not drink any alcoholic beverages at least two days before surgery. Alcohol can react with the medications you may be given during the surgery, interfering with recovery and causing serious complications.

Try to Stop Smoking
Smoking can be harmful to your recovery. Try to stop smoking at least two weeks before surgery. This will improve your lung function and circulation, which will help you heal more quickly.

Merrillville Plaza Surgery Center
is a freestanding Ambulatory
Surgery Center dedicated to
the delivery of care to
patients in need.
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Our Location
Charges & Payment
Merrillville, IN 46410
Phone 219-791-0500
Fax 219-791-0566